Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What\’s the goal of the information you provide?

To facilitate the purchasing and selling of items, our web store will request your contact details including email or name as well as postal address.

Your IP address is automatically recorded when you access this site. This allows us to better know the type of browser you are using and the operating system you are using.

In signing up to receive our newsletters, you\’ll be informed about any brand new products, store or any other information that is relevant to you.

Section 2: Consent

Do you know a better way to gain my permission other than asking me?

If you supply us with your personal details to pay, confirm your card number, conduct an online transaction or make an order for delivery, exchange or return of goods, you indicate that you accept its collection and solely use it for the purpose that you have provided it for.

We\’ll ask to give us permission, or we will offer you the option to refuse if it is not intended for use in marketing.

Section 3: Disclosure

In certain circumstances, we will be required to disclose personal information if the law requires it or you have breached our terms and conditions.

Section 5. Third Party Service

Our third-party partners who we collaborate with are only able to store and share data as necessary to perform the service.

Certain third-party suppliers such as payment processors and gateways may have different privacy policies with respect to the information they require from us so that your transaction is full.

The privacy policy of each service provider to ensure you know what they will do with the information you provide.

The providers you choose to use may not be located, or have facilities that may differ from the ones we use. When you conduct a transaction using the services of a third-party provider, the information you supply could fall within laws that apply in the regions where the provider is located or is operating.

Section 5 SECTION 4.

took all reasonable steps to safeguard any personal information you provide.

You can rest assured that the details of your credit card are secured by SSL technology. Our company adheres to PCI DSS guidelines and adheres to other industry-standard requirements.


When you access and use this website by using this website, you are confirming to the owner of this website that you meet the legal minimum age in the state you reside in or satisfy it in the case where minors are your dependents.