Fast Shipping

All orders received by 4pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) on any day are shipped out the same. Time-sensitive packages are often delayed by weather extremes, holidays and the sale.

Your order should arrive within 2-5 days. The postal service may give you an estimate of delivery date, but it is not able to guarantee it.


It is required to initiate your return for boutique items within 30 days from the date you received them. Returns after the 30 day period aren\’t allowed. Contact us promptly to begin a return.

The customer must ask for the refund within 50 days from the day of purchase. After the refund is processed and approved, it could take ten days or more to get the funds to be credited on your bank account.

Dates of purchase must not exceed 60 calendar days. Only items that have the same or less worth may be swapped.